Ed Wing's Blog

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I'm not the other "Ed Wing"

It recently came to my attention that there's another Ed Wing who has a blog through blogger.com. He seems to listen to audible.com audiobooks, like me. But that's about where the similarities stop. So I thought I'd clarify that that other blog (http://edwing.blogspot.com/) is not mine. I expect people who know me even a little would certainly have figured that out, but I just wanted to make sure.

V for Vendetta

I just saw the movie V for Vendetta and liked it very much. I recommend it, though people who ever look at my blog don't really need it. I wish the whole country would see it. Now I know what I'm being for Halloween (in Athens!!) this year.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Conference in Provo

I went to a conference at BYU in Provo Thursday and Friday. As you can see, the surrounding mountains are spectacular. The town and campus themselves were nothing special, as far as I could see. They don't allow coffee on the BYU campus, so it was funny to see out-of-town conference goers on Friday morning in the conference center parking lot secretly scarfing down the last of their Starbucks before going in.