Ed Wing's Blog

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Expanding my social network

Today I joined a "dinner group". A group of about 10 LDS young people cook dinner for eachother on a rotating basis about 5 nights per week. My roommate, Dan, pictured below, is friends with these people and invited me to join them for dinner this evening. They invited me to join, so, wishing to get back to cooking and hosting, I accepted. I doubt I'll actually join them for dinner more than sporatically, but I'm looking forward to having them over. I still need to find a way to meet some non-LDS people ("gentiles"). These pictures are of my roommate, Dan, driving me around for a tour of Logan; and the LDS temple in Logan. Dan informs me that there are only about 120 LDS temples in the world, so we're pretty lucky.


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