Ed Wing's Blog

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Logan Winter

It's REALLY COLD here right now! And we got snow recently, a couple of times, actually. The snow is nice, but if we could have that and 40 degrees or so, that would be great. Tomorrow night I am going to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert in Salt Lake City! I'm pretty excited about that. It's such a great opportunity. Dave, the counseling center psychologist who is a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir got us tickets for free. I've been listening to their Christmas CD for years. On Saturday, the other interns and I are talking about going skiing. There's good skiing about a half hour from here! Then I'm planning on going snowshoeing for the first time on Sunday with Diane. Should be good. I'll try to take some pictures. Here are a couple of pictures, one from today and one from the other day.


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