Ed Wing's Blog

Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Canyon and the Lake

I went for a little Sunday drive today to Bear Lake. As dedicated followers of my blog will recall, I have already been there and I've already posted a picture of it. However, here are some more pictures of both the lake and Logan Canyon, the canyon one must drive through to get there. As usual, these pictures don't begin to do justice to these places. Part of the issue was that I was actually in my car driving while taking many of these pictures. Another issue is that my camera isn't that great. And then there's just the general "pictures don't capture it" issue. By the way, the picture with "the beast" in the lower left corner is of a ledge that I plan to hike soon. I hear it's pretty scary, since there's no railing or anything and, as you can see, it's a steep, far drop into jagged rocks and rattlesnakes. I'll probably do that this weekend.


Blogger SparklesTheLittleHen said...

Hi Ed,
What a beautiful area. How far are you from Gallup NM? We will be there after the 24th.
Roen & Sabina (tim stays home to work :(

7:54 AM  

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